Games / Calendars

Our Club offers weekly duplicate bridge games on the schedule below at 4618 E. State Blvd, Suite 101, Fort Wayne (Map). The 0-50 MP game on 2nd and 4th Mondays at 1 PM is free. All other games cost $5 per player except that nonmembers of the Club must pay an extra fee for special games. Coffee, soda and bottled water may be purchased at minimal cost at all games. No food is served at this time but players may bring their own snacks. Rubber bridge players new to duplicate are welcome. We also offer players many options to learn/improve their games. See monthly calendars (below) for special games, mini-lessons, and more.


First & Third Mondays, at 1 PM: (Director Bob Enyeart)

2nd & 4th Mondays of the month, 1 PM (Director, Gary Chaney)

Tuesday 1 PM: (Director Jim Kart)

  • Open and stratified - Partners guaranteed
  • Limited (0-499* MP’s) and stratified - Partners guaranteed

Wednesday 1 PM: (Director Bob Enyeart)

  • Open and stratified
  • Limited (0-499* MP’s) and stratified

Thursday 1 PM: (Director Gary Chaney)

Saturday 6:00 PM: (Director, Gary Chaney)  

Questions? Contact Club Manager Bob Enyeart

  • *Player cannot be a Life Master in the 0-499 game


The Cedar Creek Bridge Club, for the time being, will following the same rules as the Fort Wayne Duplicate Bridge Club.  No Food will be served, but you are welcome to bring your own snack.  Beverages will be available for purchase.  

No Invitation Necessary. Anyone with less than 2000 master points is eligible for membership.  Annual dues are $10.  Cedar Creek meets twice monthly on Saturdays at 6PM. Cedar Creek is the only ACBL sanctioned evening bridge game (gives masterpoints) within 60 miles or one hour travel. See flyer here.  

2024 Officers are Ahnee Connor, President, Steve Harvey, Treasurer and Marge Baumgartel, Secretary.  Steve is now accepting the dues, $10 per person, for 2024.  Please pay him at your earliest convenience.

Hospitality Schedule will resume at a later date

CC Club Game Results

All FWDBC directors are American Contract Bridge League certified.