Join the fort wayne duplicate bridge club
Our Club offers five ACBL-sanctioned games each week and two sanctioned Pro-Am Swiss team games each month--See Games/Calendars. The cost is $5 per player, except Club non-members pay a small extra fee for special games. Rubber bridge players new to duplicate are welcome. A sectional tournament is usually held each year. The Club also offers many ways to Learn/Improve your game.
The FWDBC is located at 4618 E. State Blvd., Ste. 101, Fort Wayne, on the lower floor of an office building in East State Professional Park. The facility and its lighted parking lot may be accessed from either E. State Blvd. or Reed Road. The building is at the juncture of these two driveways. See Map.
Considering joining our Club! The annual $10 fee saves members what would otherwise be a small extra charge for special games, covers a free game and lunch at our December holiday party, and helps the club provide the many services it offers. Join by paying the fee to any director. Even if you don’t join, you can send your email address to [email protected] to receive current club and member news.
Meet your 2025 board members!
We welcome your questions, ideas, concerns or suggestions for improving our Club – board members’ contact info is below:

Michael Clegg (2025)

Deb Aschbacher (2025)

Larry O'Maley (2026)
Our board consists of nine members, each serving a three-year term. New members are elected to fill vacated terms each December. Officers are elected by the board in the January meeting. If you’re interested in serving on the board, contact any board member for more information. Our board meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month, immediately after the Wednesday afternoon games. They are open meetings so members are free to attend.